Bronchial Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by increased responsiveness of the trachea and bronchi to various stimuli manifested by acute, recurrent, or chronic attacks of breathlessness and wheezing. During an attack, there is a widespread bronchial-bronchiolar narrowing variable in severity and usually of brief duration.  

The risk factors or ”triggers”, such as allergens pollens, tobacco smoke and chemical irritants cause inflammation because of airway reactivity. Several patients may also have allergic rhinitis which is characterized by sneezing and a “runny” nose and tend to have their first symptoms by the age of ten years, and many children have their first attack as early as age six. had their first attack Asthma cannot be cured by the conventional medical system, but homoeopathy has an answer to it along with appropriate management one can control the disorder, shorten the episodes and have a good quality of life.


Recurrent episodes of wheezing
Shortness of breath
Chest tightness
Coughing-sometimes cough may be the only symptom.
Coughing induces sputum production in the form of tiny plugs. Aggravation is generally at night and in the early morning or in response to allergens.

other health conditions associated with bronchial asthma:

Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Obstructive sleep apnea

Causes of bronchial asthma:

The exact cause of bronchial asthma is yet not known, but certain risk factors are associated with it and are probably caused by the interplay of hereditary and environmental factors.

Some of the factors include:

Diagnosis of bronchial asthma:

Medical History

Early signs of increasing severity-sleep disturbances, increase in symptoms, decrease in exercise tolerance, increasing use of bronchodilators, decreasing effects of bronchodilators.

Physical Examination & Investigations: Dry irritant cough can precede or accompany attacks of breathlessness. On auscultation inspiration short and high pitched, expiration prolonged, plenty of rhonchi. However, in severe airways obstruction airflow may be reduced and chest may become silent. Other tests may include:


Medications: Conventional Medicine
Short courses of corticosteroids and other drugs (oral or injectable) may be required during acute attacks and are to be used after medical advice only.

Homoeopathic Diagnosis of Bronchial Asthma:

The diagnosis of asthma is made based on a detailed disease and personal history, signs and symptoms, and laboratory investigations.

Family history and dynamics – according to psychodynamics understanding the patient’s environment is very vital in understanding his/her emotions.

Occupational history – it is important to identify if the attack could have been caused by exposure to such agents which can cause or initiate an attack at work, by inquiring about previous and current jobs or occupation, thereby knowing fully his/her emotional quotient.

Homoeopathy Treatment for Bronchial Asthma:

 Suppression Theory:

According to homoeopathy when there is a tendency or predisposition for a disease, it will first show on the outward ie., less important organs like the skin. Any kind of skin anomaly if suppressed by topical application of steroid creams will push the disease inwards to affect more important organs like the heart, kidney, lungs and brain.

Now after ascertaining the symptoms and the cause, the homoeopath tries to find a medicine which matches the symptoms as well as the general characteristics of the person. The medicine so selected is administered to the patient.

It is often seen that after giving the right medicine asthma disappears, but old dermatitis/eczema condition resurfaces and after running its course is finally dissipated. This reappearance of old symptoms is seen as a reversal of the disease process and is considered a very good prognostic sign by homoeopaths.

A case of Bronchial Asthma:

A 27-year-old lady came with a complaint of asthma since childhood.
Verbatim of the patient: Doctor I took medicines from many reputed homoeopathic doctors but still my condition is status quo.
When I have acute attacks, I have to take inhalers which helps me temporarily but I really need a permanent solution as I am suffering since a long time.
Now I have continuous sneezing and running nose with fever. I come from a small village in Pune but for further studies went to Mumbai, there I never suffered any problems while studying and was free. But after coming back these attacks have started again.
My parents are looking for a match to get me married but not finding a suitable match. I think I am very unfortunate, and time is against me. while saying this patient was smiling. Also, I have too much stress at work regarding targets, working under AC’S for hours may be the reason for my asthma attacks.

Doctor-Patient verbatim:

Doctor: Tell me about yourself
Patient: Doctor I am a very sensitive person and if someone speaks ill of me I get hurt, I think a lot about my future as I am already 28 years old now.
Doctor: Any affairs? Relationships?
Patient: Yes, but i have blocked his number and he keeps on calling me from different numbers so I get angry and don’t want to get married but because of family pressure will have to.
I really don’t like all this but…
Analysis and evaluation: patient appeared very mild and talked softly. She appeared very timid and had a sad look with minimal eye contact. Most of the times she tried to hide her tears.

Rubrics selected:
Mind: Sensitive pain to
Fear invalidity
Delusion marriage; is married and cannot break the wow.


With LM potencies attacks decreased significantly. Patient improved very well on Lm potencies and after 6 months of treatment had no relapse.

Homoeopathic Medicines for Asthma

Aconite, Kali Carb, Thuja, Natrum Sulph, Belladonna, Ipecac, Aspidosperma, Blatta O, Kali Bi, Kali Phos, Sulphur, Lycopodium, Lachesis, Arsenic Album, Bryonia, Antim Tart, Medorrhinum and many other medicine

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