Telangiectasia symptoms:

Swelling in the legs

Aching pain in the legs

A feeling of fullness in the legs and feet

Itching around the vein or veins

Skin color changes around the vein or veins

Night time leg cramps



trunk varicose veins – the fullness of the superficial veins of the skin which look thick and unpleasant.

reticular varicose veins –are reddish which appear like a small network.

telangiectasia varicose veins – also known as spider veins, are small clusters of blue or red veins that sometimes appear on your face or legs and disappear with improving hepatic function.


Venous obstruction occurs by thrombosis which may be a primary, simple, non-inflammatory process or a secondary reaction to certain inflammatory agents resulting in inflammation of the wall and the affected vein.

In a healthy vein, circulation of blood flows smoothly to the heart.

There are small valves inside the veins which prevent back flow of the blood by open and shut mechanism.

If the valves malfunction because of damage, there is the backflow of the blood which gets accumulated in the vein causing it to enlarge and indurated.


Scarring, bruising, injury, and discolouration of the skin is a potential complications even after treatment with chances of recurrence.

A case study of varicose veins

This is a case of a male patient of 30 years age, came with the complaint of pain in calf muscles with varicose veins bilaterally. This pain is for 2 years with no relief despite taking treatment from a number of orthopedics’.The patient was suffering and asked me to provide some relief so that he can work and manage his duties.


Doctor-patient conversation:

I asked him how he manages his work if he is suffering so much, to which he replied he has no choice but work. He uses a bandage around his legs which gives him little relief. I discussed with him as why not take some days off from work and relax or quit the job.? He said there is no work outside, people are being laid off, if I don’t work how will I manage the household expenses. I have a family of 5 to feed, also my brother lost his job and has a small baby.This job requires me to stand for 12hours, but I get paid well. Don’t you like to enjoy, party? He said yes madam even I feel to enjoy, party but I can’t.


Analysis and evaluation:

The patient was very anxious about his future plus he had excessive care about his brother and his family. He was suffering so much but yet he didn’t take any leave, nor complained about his work which demanded 12 hours of standing. He just asked me to provide some relief so that he doesn’t miss work and his wages.

Rubrics Selected:

Mind; Anxiety future about

cares full of relatives about

Anxiety sitting bent

Fear of loosing his lucrative job

Delusions; business talking

Remedy Selected: RHUS TOX 30 DAILY FOR 7DAYS HS. and was called after a month


There was 65-70% improvement and his pains were much better, he also started to enjoy his life a bit The most important thing which he said was he no more worries so much and does take time off when he feels. This is the kind of overall improvement one can expect with homoeopathy treatment.

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