Miss Samiksha Udare:I was Suffering from PCOS and Acne which doctor has wonderfully taken care of. Being a Pharmacist I was a bit skeptical about Homoeopathy treatment,but much to my surprise I was totally cured in a span of 6 months.My experience has been very enriching.I will definitely recommend Homoeopathy and Dr.Deepali for her wonderful support in my journey”

Mrs.Mildred Borges:”Doctor always has a patient ear to listen to all my complaints and really not caring for time restrictions.my entire family is under her care and we would never trade anything for it.I was suffering from sciatica and IBS from quiet a number of years and today I am totally free from all my troubles”

Mrs Asma Shaikh:”I was going through a lot of emotional upheaval,missing my periods soon diagnosing as fibroid uterus along with it gallstones that really took a toll on my health.I really didnt know what to do and how many doctors I need to consult.Thankfully I met Dr.Deepali through a common friend and within 3 months my problems began to resolve one by one.And yes…..after many years of waiting I concieved naturally also at age 41”I am really indebted to doctor for her wonderful treatment.I wish her all the best in her professional career.’

Miss Shraddha Kamat:”I was suffering from palmar warts on my left index finger altogether 13 in number since 3 years.over a period of time it started to get itchy and wildly painful.It was during this time I consulted Doctor and to my surprise the stubborn warts fell off within 6 days.I used to feel very embarrassed due to it as a HR professional but now I am totally free.I would definitely recommend people for Homoeopathy and also Dr.Deepali as it was an unbelievable result”


Mrs.Kavita Surve:”I am a cancer survivor and I thank Dr.Deepali who gave me a very realistic approach to my case.I was very fearful to undergo chemotherapy but doctor helped me ease my pain and adverse effects by her Homoeopathic treatment.I am eternally grateful to her for all her support and care.I wish her many successful years of practice”

 Mrs Kanta Salathia:’‘I was suffering from macular degeneration in my eye and had already spent on treatments.taking steroid injections was just not helping.I was even anxious that I may go blind as my vision already started getting dim.In these trying times I met Dr.Deepali. She gave me hope to say we can surely do this with Homoeopathy and to much of my delight and surprise in a matter of 3 months my eyesight was restored.Even my treating eye physician was surprised at the reports we did at the end of 3 months.I am really very grateful to the doctor and wish her many more cured cases”