INFERTILITY:A psychodynamic homoeopathic perspective


what is Infertility?

Infertility can be caused by many different things.1 in 4 couples suffer, and a cause is not identified. Both male and female factors are responsible for infertility. Couples who try to conceive even after one year of regular sexual intercourse without success are termed infertile.

Female causes: Problems with ovulation in infertility

PCOD(polycystic ovarian disease)

Scarring from pelvic/cervical surgery

cervical mucus problems

Pelvic inflammatory disease

endometriosis, fibroids

certain medications, chemotherapy, radiation etc.

Male Causes: Semen and sperm problems in infertility

Abnormal sperm

low sperm count

ejaculation problems

certain medications, chemo and radiation etc.

Infertility: A Psychodynamic Homoeopathic Perspective

A Homoeopathic case study is unique compared to the conventional system of medicine.

our case taking or rather receiving part starts right when the patient enters the physician’s chamber. complete confidentiality is maintained ensuring the couple’s privacy.

when and how they enter the clinic

how do they greet you? who starts the conversation?

Don’t lose eye contact. focus on the patient. listen carefully without interrupting them. Do not get busy with heaps of files.

Speak to them individually, one by one(observe who gets up first and leaves)

Ask questions and understand Infertility from a psychodynamic Homoeopathic perspective:

How long have you been married?was it a love/arranged?affair?/breakup if any before or after marriage?

When did you first approach a doctor?IUI/IVF what was done?

Why did you think of Homoeopathy now?

Ask the thoughts about their journey: A psychodynamic understanding:

Listen to how they narrate

Watch how they speak and look for body language and expressions

Observe emotions, trauma, pain, guilt, anger, frivolity etc

Financial insecurities

Ask about each one of them individually, has marriage changed them,their personality? observe the glow or disappointment when couples answer this.

Has the physical status changed? from thin to fat or fat to thin?

Nature, ambition change?

Ask about the reaction of each one when menses appear. Is there any reaction? and from whom?

Ask about menstrual history: dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, orgasm satisfaction etc.

Interpersonal Relationships (IPR)

The most important part of a Homoeopathic case taking, concerning the environment

Ask individually how is their reaction to their partner, society, family, friends etc.

This factor of IPR chiefly helps in understanding the patient and his psyche.

Secondary Infertility if any

Ask how it occurred

Since how many years

who desires to have the child the most

Is it like family pressure? These factors add to the knowledge in case taking as it further clarifies the cause .

Psychodynamics of Infertility

loss and conflict issues -The biological conflict linked to the ovaries and testicles is loss conflict concerning the loss of a loved one. The fear of losing a beloved person can already trigger conflict.

Constant self-blame following a breakup or death of someone close can keep the conflict active.

loss conflicts also happen to women who have miscarriages or forced abortions.

A loss conflict can be activated through an argument, betrayal, or unfaithfulness of a partner or friend.

Thus, there are many metaphysical understandings in an infertile couple case which after a thorough evaluation by a qualified Homoeopath can bring the desired results. Homoeopathy has been a boon to couples who have already spent lacs and conceived successfully in the first few months of treatment.

Let us study a case of infertility

A woman of 35 years of age came with complaints of primary infertility, adenomyosis and endometriosis.
She also suffered from skin allergies on and off.
The patient started narrating the history and life cycle of her disease. She is a housewife living with her husband and mother-in-law who was always interfering in their lives. This led to daily quarrelling so much as it landed till divorce. The husband was a quiet person and didn’t say much. The patient was getting furious and irritated. This made her very unhappy.
On enquiring further she said she is losing hope now and cannot understand what to do.
She lost her father six months back and had no one to talk to. She felt very lonely and forsaken.
Analysis and evaluation:
The patient seemed very irritated and frustrated with her circumstances.
Moreover, she had no one with whom she can share her emotions as her husband was quiet and she also lost her father. The interfering nature of her mother-in-law led to daily fights and quarrels. Based on the above totality-
MIND;A/F Grief
MIND;forsaken feeling
MIND;A/F anger suppressed
MIND; Fear alone of being
MIND; Impatience of sadness in



Overall success was seen with a reduction of all her symptoms. In the very first month, her periods became normal rest all her pathology also resolved and she was blessed with a baby girl in the next six months.

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